Vitamina Cetilar in the Melges 32 World League and World Championship


Andrea Lacorte’s Vitamina Sailing team has been through some tough winds in the past few days. A bit downhearted, but aware that they gave it their all.

Two events were held in Villasimius, Sardinia, in the second half of August, both on the Melges 32 monotype Vitamina Cetilar, with the team captained by the Chairman of PharmaNutra tackling firstly the first stage of the Melges 32 World League (22-24 August) and then the actual class World Championship (26-29 August).

In the first race, Vitamina Cetilar finished in fifth place (partials 4-7-3-6-4-9), on equal pegging with fourth place at just ten lengths from the finishing line.

After two days’ rest, Andrea Lacorte’s crew (with the skilled tactician Lorenzo Bressani), hit the sea again for the top event of the Melges season, the class World Championship, which unfortunately began in the worst possible way:

– During day 1, approaching the buoy, Vitamina Cetilar was involved in a collision with another yacht, forcing the crew wearing the colours of the Yacht Club Repubblica Marinara di Pisa to return to case to repair the damage. The result? A day lost and a very poor score (12-DNF-DNC), which obviously affected the rest of the championship. And all due to an event that left everyone quite puzzled, above all following the jury’s decision…

– The results of the following three days, including a partial win on the second day, did very little to help, and Vitamina Cetilar ended the World Championship in ninth place, well below the team’s possibilities and ambitions.

After a month’s break, the Melges 32 season resumes on 24 September up to 26 September in Puntaldia, Sardinia, for the third stage of the Melges 32 World League, while the circuit will close at the end of October (29-31) in a location still to be confirmed.

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