La Cetilar Run di Parma rinviata al 7 maggio 2021


Due to the Covid-19 emergency the traditional run, originally scheduled to take place in the heart of Parma on May 8, has also been cancelled.

‘This event, celebrating its seventh edition this year, appreciated by local and visiting runners, has naturally had to be suspended, though the team remains and has a great new goal: raising funds for our hospitals. Like the Cetilar Run we have made a donation, because we believe that each one of us should play his or her part. For this reason, we are currently inviting everyone to support fund raising for Fondazione Munus. We wish to leave a tangible mark: supply our doctors and hospital wards with equipment that will still be essential even when the spotlights have been turned off’.

These are the words of Michele Ventura, president of CUS Parma, and Carlo Volpi, Managing Director of the PharmaNutra group, and honorary member of the city’s University Sports Centre. ‘Cancellation of the event organised for May 8 was a difficult decision’, said Volpi. ‘We tried to find alternative solutions right up to the last minute, but spurred by a sense of responsibility and hope for the future, we opted to skip directly to the next edition, already scheduled for May 7, 2021. Not once will we lose sight of our desire for sport and fun. We too have decided to donate, through the Fondazione Munus Coronavirus Emergency Support Fund’.

The president of CUS Parma again, speaking about the value of solidarity: ‘It is a very delicate moment and we ourselves are making great sacrifices so we can once again offer our members the same services as ever, but first and foremost we are members of the community of Parma, particularly affected by Covid-19. This is why we joined and supported fund raising efforts right from the beginning. We have appealed to all our members who have responded with great generosity. Now, because of our absolute certainty of the value of Cetilar, which goes well beyond the stopwatch, we look forward to meeting everyone on our Facebook page @cetilarrunparma”.

For donations the amount is naturally at the donor’s discretion. Donors can contribute whatever they can and increase funds either by making a direct donation on the Munus website or by bank transfer (Crédit Agricole Cariparma IBAN IT61B 06230 12700 000038169579). Special endorsements are by the stars of CUS Parma/Fiamme Oro Ayomide Folorunso and the greats of Parma Calcio 1913, who will be launching their own appeal for solidarity over the next few days.

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