The best protein sources for increasing muscle mass

A sporting diet is indispensable for improving an athlete’s performance during physical activity. The right energy and nutritional needs can only be met with a correct diet. For this reason: first of all, correct sporting nutrition must be based on a balanced diet. A balanced diet must include 55-60% carbohydrates; 15% protein foods, of both vegetable and animal origin; 25-30% fats.
- The importance of proteins in a correct diet
In an athlete’s sporting diet, proteins play an indispensable role. Protein foods are the constituent element of muscle mass and are a necessary component for ensuring active physiological functions. Athletes wishing to increase their muscle mass must pay attention to the amount of proteins they consume every day: not too little, but not too much either. The risk of too few or too many proteins not only affects our performance, but our physical well-being generally.
- How many proteins must be consumed in a correct sporting diet
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), a healthy adult should consume 0.8 grams of protein for every kilo of body weight; so a man weighing 70 kg should consume 56 grams of protein a day. However, athletes doing physical activity every day should consume more protein, between 1 and 2 grams a day per kg of body weight. Only with the right intake of protein foods can our body increase its muscle mass and performance.
- Which proteins for increasing muscle mass
A correct sporting diet must balance both animal and vegetable proteins. Proteins of animal origin are called “noble”, as they consist of all 20 amino acids our body needs. Proteins of vegetable origin are more likely to be incomplete protein sources but this does not mean they are not important: on the contrary, they can be combined to offer the benefits our body needs. An example? Rice and beans. But a correct sporting diet must vary the protein foods as much as possible.
The best proteins for increasing muscle mass are:
- Meats, including beef, chicken, turkey, lamb: these are protein foods with high protein content. As explained, they contain the noble proteins needed for cell renewal and hormone formation, as well as the amino acids that are useful for the muscle metabolism. They are also protein foods that are low in fat.
- Eggs: protein foods rich in protein and cholesterol-free, with a high content of mineral salts including iron, calcium, phosphorus.
- Fish, including tuna, cod, sardines, mackerel, oysters, mussels or salmon, should not be missing from any diet which aims to increase muscle mass. Salmon is also a protein food rich in Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids which improve joint health and regulate the metabolism.
- Nuts and nut derivatives are a real powerhouse of energy, ideal for increasing muscle mass. In addition to proteins, they contain magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
- Pulses, one of the most complete and protein, rich foods, including lentils, chick peas, peas, edamame and soya beans, are rich in vitamin K, phosphorous and iron; the latter is indispensable for carrying oxygen to the blood and muscles. Among all pulses, lupins contain the most proteins: they make an excellent pre-workout snack.
- Low-fat cheeses, Parmesan or Greek yoghurt not only contain proteins from rennet and casein but are also a source of vitamin D, which helps the body to absorb phosphorous and calcium, which is fundamental for muscle contractions.
- The role of protein-energy bars
Protein-energy bars also play an important role in a sporting diet as they are an excellent, practical source of nutrients, particularly proteins, which an athlete needs to compensate the protein intake which, as mentioned, increases when doing sports. Energy bars must not replace a main meal, but make an excellent snack both pre-workout and after physical activity as they are rich in proteins that help increase muscle mass.
For these reasons, we have developed protein-energy bars that help to reduce fatigue and stimulate the normal energy-yielding metabolism, because they are rich in proteins and balance all the macro-nutrients (with a balanced 40-30-30 formula) that the body needs.